FM-200 (HFC-227) Fire Suppression Systems
HFC-227 (FM-200), chemically known as heptafluoropropane, is an alternative fire suppression system agent manufactured in the United States by Great Lakes Chemical (FM-200) and DuPont Corporation (HFC-227). It is a replacement for the ozone depleting Halon 1301 used extensively before 1994.
FM-200 (HFC-227) has no ozone depletion potential. Its ODP is 0. FM-200 has found by leading toxicologists to be safe for use when people are present. Just as with Halon 1301, people can be exposed to normal extinguishing concentrations of without any fear of health problems.

At Robertson Fire Protection N.V. we represent Kidde Fenwall. Kidde Fire Systems have conducted extensive testing over the past several years and has developed the necessary knowledge to incorporate FM-200 into is fire suppression system product line.
Often FM-200 systems are employed to protect critical installations formerly protected by Halon 1301. These include:
- Data Processing Centers
- Telephone Switches
- Process Control Rooms
- Art and Historical Collections
- Facilities where water damage from sprinklers must be avoided at all costs
In a typical system the extinguishing agent is typically stored in cylinders or spheres. It is delivered to distribution nozzles through a system piping network.
Critical to the functioning of the system is the fire detection and control network. Typically smoke detectors sense the presence of fire in the protected facility. The detection and control panel then sounds an alarm, shuts down air handlers and disconnects power from the protected equipment (optional) and releases agent into the protected area.
At Robertson Fire Protection N.V. we make use of the Kidde Fire Detection Control Panel to control the release of agent. The control system uses both intelligent addressable analog sensors and centralized decision making to virtually eliminate false alarms and unwanted agent releases. The detectors report on a real-time basis to the control unit where the microcontroller makes the ultimate alarm decision. The control panel is modular to allow you to add on to the system as your requirements change over time.
Assembling all the components together into a workable system optimized for your facility is the work of trained fire protection engineers. At Robertson Fire Protection N.V. we will design your system, prepare drawings, make hydraulic flow calculations, and provide you the hard data you need to rest assured in the confidence of a well designed fire protection system.
For additional assistance on the design of your system, please contact us.